oh god, it is the worst sickness you can ever get when you are studying overseas. it's worst than aids-.-. it doesn't really strike me often but when it gets to me, i broke down to my knee and just, sad i guess. typing this is so depressing, but is the only thing that comes to my mind, i guess i just need to release my stress somewhere. here will be a nice place since no one really check my blog :) so less people will know, whee.
K, they say an empty mind is a devil's workshop, and i totally agree on that. when i am not occupy by stuffs, out of a sudden, i will think of my home. the feeling is just, so tearing, especially when you think of the thing that you can do if you are not living at the stupid place far from home now. Like, i can take 1hour of shower at home and no one will complain, i can eat all the food in the fridge freely and without guilt, i can watch as many videos as i want, play online games until i am sick of it and so many other little things. Those little things can just tear you apart, they made the sleepless nights of yours, make your day a bad one(especially when homesick happens first thing in the morning) and most importantly, sometimes, you just have to swallow everything to yourself because you are not at your own home. friends are cool, but sometimes, they are not just a good listener when you really need them. i gave up on complaining already, need to get use of this feeling, keep myself occupy so that i won't have time to think of all these shits(sounded so stress-.-)
i miss everything back at Kuching, my hometown, it is not the biggest, the richest or whatever-est in the world but it definitely stored a lot of my childhood memories, it is the place where i grow up, i just can't help missing it. the land, the people, and the food.
going back on the 1st of december,70days left, i swear, i will do whatever i want there when i am done with New Zealand :)