Friday, August 17, 2012

Procrastiantion. GG.

Exam and Procrastination.

Blogging right now, and yes, it is part of my procrastination. Its a saturday today, and i have an exam on monday. i am a pretty last minute person u see( i bet everyone is,uggh) . woke up this morning, a sudden realisation hit me, if i don't study today, i will be so screwed by the monday test, so i walked for 15minutes, go to the shortloan library(this is a library which you can only borrow a text book for 2horus and then you will need to return it in 2hours(or else you will get fine) becasue textbook is freaking expensive and you dont read all the pages even if you buy it. Trust me, i've been there, i bought one of my textbook for 130dolalrs in semester 1 and yes, i only read probably not even more than half of the book and boom, there goes the money.) and borrow the textbook for my course. It's been good so fat, i did half of my readings and i sort of understand what is going on. it's just the random procrastination that is killing me.


1. Facebook, this social networking website is like drug -.- you will need to check it every half an hour or even worst, sometimes, every 5mins to know what is going on or you will just, die, literally, die :O

2. Apps, the apps on my phone is just, tempting. Normally it goes like this, ( ok, i will stop playing my phone and study when i collected 3000 coins i this game. <<<THAT PROMISE NEVER HAPPENS..  It's just sad how i have so low level of self discipline -.-

3. Food. This is the most horrible type of procrastination because it let you gain weight. Reading a paragraph of assigned reading. ( 3/4 of the time, i will think of food half way reading it.) what makes it worst is that in the Mcdonalds in Auckland, they are currently having the loose change menu, u can get apple pie for a dollar, let me repeat, A DOLLAR! and so many other heap stuffs, will psot a picture of it and you guys will know how hard it is to resist the temptation of buying foood.z

how can you resist the offer.zzz

That's about it. Yay, took like 20minutes to write this post, yesh, procrastination in progress, guess i should close my laptop and go to continue my reading @.@ . 

Thanks for reading my blog :) <3 p="p">

oh and, there's probably a lot of typo in this post because i just write this post in one go. XD